5 books for $60 are available as a Bible study package.
In this book, you’ll discover the difference between Religion and Jesus!
The Gospel is the Good News about Jesus and if it’s not Good News, it’s not the Gospel!
Has religious teaching ever brought fear to your heart? Has it ever made you feel like you weren’t quite good enough? 1 John 4:16 & 18 says, “God is Love! Love NEVER brings fear…Love’s perfection drives the fear of punishment far from our hearts.
So, if a religious teaching produces fear in your heart, you can be absolutely sure it’s not from God and it’s not the truth!”
Religion says do! Jesus says done!
Religion makes us slaves! Jesus made us sons
Religion divides us! Jesus makes us one!
In each chapter, I share a religious lie I used to believe and the truth that set me free! I pray that the truth about Jesus will also set your heart free from any fears or feelings of inadequacy that were created in your heart by the lies that religion taught you. Jesus came to set you free from performance-based religion. You can live free in His Perfect Love!
Chapter 1: The Lie Religion Taught Me about God's Judgement Toward Believers
Chapter 2: The Lie Religion Taught Me about God's Judgement Toward Unbelievers
Chapter 3: Living Free from the Religious Lie that There is Something Wrong With You
Chapter 4: Religion Makes Fearful Slaves. Jesus Made Fearless Sons
Chapter 5: The Lie Religion Taught Me about Tithing
Chapter 6: The Lie Religion Taught Me about God's Discipline
Chapter 7: The Lie Religion Taught Me about God's Forgiveness
Chapter 8: Religion says do! Jesus says Done!
Chapter 9: Religion Puts You in Bondage. Jesus Sets You Free!
Chapter 10: Religion Divides Us! Jesus Made Us One!
This is book is for personal reading or it can also be used as a Bible study book. There are questions at the end of each chapter to use to discuss with your Bible study group. The 10 week video teachings that go with this study can be viewed for free on the Because of Jesus ministry website under Bibles studies. The web address is
Published November 2018