This book is a 31 day devotional by authors Connie Witter, Gwen Myrie, and Sherry Riether. This book can also be used as a 10 week group study.
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This is NOT a book about how to lose weight. Rather, it is a book about how to be intimate with the Lover of your soul. We have all read books that have given us rules to weight loss, and have gotten a small measure of success, but the results were not lasting because the root problem was not addressed! Losing weight is a journey of the heart. The problem is not what you’re eating, but what you’re believing. Jesus is the ONLY one who can guide you successfully through the tangled web of erroneous beliefs you have about yourself, lies you believe that are hidden deep within your heart. He is the Lover of your soul, and you will need Him to help you every step of the way!
The journey to weight loss is a personal journey. It will be tailored to your intimate needs. You can be sure that Jesus will get you to the other side of what, right now, may seem overwhelming. Are you ready to have the way you think and believe about yourself transformed? Have you come to the end of your own self-effort? Are you ready to let Jesus love the weight off of you because that is where permanent weight loss begins!
Week 1: Sherry Riether
Day 1 Let Jesus love the weight off of you
Day 2 Come to the Throne of Grace
Day 3 Not My Will Power, but His Real Power
Week 2: Gwen Myrie
Day 4 Help Me, Jesus
Day 5 You’re tall and thin like a palm tree
Day 6 It’s a Heart Issue
Week 3: Connie Witter
Day 7 The Struggle is Over! You Have the Mind of Christ-
Day 8 Let Jesus Change the Way You Think
Day 9 Negative Thoughts are not your thoughts
Week 4: Sherry Riether
Day 10 Recognize the Lies that Have Held You Captive
Day 11 Let Jesus Love you out of your secrets
Day 12 Your Exodus- Let Jesus Lead you Out
Week 5 Gwen Myrie
Day 13 You’re Not Defined by your failures
Day 14 Understand Your Value! You are Worthy!
Day 15 Whose House is this anyway?
Week 6 Connie Witter
Day 16 There’s Nothing At All Wrong with You
Day 17 We Will Do It Together
Day 18 Healthy by Design
Week 7: Sherry Riether
Day 19 Overwhelmed No More
Day 20 You Lack Nothing
Day 21 From bondage to freedom
Week 8: Gwen Myrie
Day 22 Reigning through Righteousness
Day 23 So Long Self-Effort
Day 24 Guilt Free Eating
Week 9: Connie Witter
Day 25 Sin Has Lost it’s Power
Day 26 Let Go of the Weight that Hinders your Progress
Day 27 Jesus- Your Way of Escape
Week 10: Gwen Myrie & Sherry Riether
Day 28 Resurrected to a Brand New Life
Day 29 Only believe
Day 30 Deliverance from Wandering in the Dessert
Day 31 Truly Free- No Going Back to Bondage