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The Greatest Love Story Ever Told is a 10 week Bible Study on the Song of Songs.
“My Darling, everything about you is beautiful,
and there is nothing at all wrong with you!” -Jesus
Song of Songs 4:7 NCV
How would your life change if you really believed what Jesus says about you? You are His Beloved Bride, and He is your Bridegroom, King. He is passionately pursuing you with His unfailing love to persuade your heart of your true identity in Him. The world will try to define you, the enemy will attempt to lie to you, and your past may try to label you. However, there is only one person Who has the authority to name you - your bridegroom, Jesus! And He says everything about you is beautiful, and there is nothing at all wrong with you! He has named you His beloved, righteous, and flawless bride.
Join Connie on a 10 week journey through the Song of Songs and explore the depths of Divine love. This poetic book of the Bible is a personal love song that Jesus sings over you. Bask in the song’s beautiful lyrics, and discover the freedom that can only be found in the arms of Perfect Love. As you embrace the name that Jesus has given you, you will bear the fruit of your true identity as the Beloved Bride of the King of kings.
So let’s go deeper into greater intimacy with Jesus, and uncover the treasures within each verse of the Song of Songs. You will discover that you and Jesus are the main characters of the Greatest Love Story Ever Told!
“I am truly His Rose- the very theme of His song!”
Song of Songs 2:1
Other Resources Available
Video teaching: Connie will be teaching an updated version of this study beginning September 18, 2024. The 10 video teachings that goes along with the Bible study will be availabel to watch on Connie’s ministry website at or you can download her ministry app and cast the video teaching to your smart TV.
Audio teaching: 10 audio teachings that go along with each week can be found on Connie Witter’s ministry App & website
Bible study package: If you would like to lead a group through this study, discounted group packages can be purchased at